Leckwith Quay Cardiff

A development of 230 houses duplexes and apartments on a brownfield site alongside the River Ely on the boundary of the Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff Councils.
Gareth Davies Project Services has undertaken project and design management services during the process of getting this major project through to a planning application. It includes the creation of a new road bridge across the River Ely and a realigned road to replace the failing existing Leckwith viaduct. This is a complicated scheme requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment and the management of architecture, landscape architects, civil engineering, flood modelling, drainage, air quality, acoustic modelling, environmental engineering, water framework assessments, ecology, arboriculture and archaeology. A full Cost Plan and Financial Appraisal has also been undertaken. The scheme is currently with the LPA for consideration.
(images courtesy of Loyn & Co, the scheme architects)